Monday, January 3, 2011


Hi Family & Friends,
Hope that your having a white Christmas season (I heard it's been snowing a lot out there) ... it has been staying around 80 degrees over here and yesterday when we got out of church and into our car it was 90! ... Ya, so not my kind of Christmas weather - but at least there are a lot of christmas lights up on the houses. Some people are a little bit too wacky and crazy with their Christmas lights & it looks like it threw up all over their lawn & house. Things have been going good out here in Temecula. I have been trying to work Elder Clement hard (since he is going home tomorrow), but sometimes it's a little hard when their focus is just on home. The work has been a little slow... investigators arn't progressing as fast as I need & want them to do.
At my President Interview a week and a half ago I told Sister Reeves & President that I wanted & needed someone that will work their butt off with me here in Temecula. They assured me that they would get me just that elder. So on Saturday when we got our transfer calls, my good friend in the mission Elder Yarn called and told me that he was getting transfered to Temecula to be my new companion. I was so stoked! We are also going to not only be covering the Pauba Ward & Temecula Valley YSA Branch, but also another ward (Redhawk) and are going move into a members (the Munoa's) casita. I am pretty excited for this next transfer. Me an Elder Yarn are going to do so much work and have so much success - I can see and feel it! Elder Yarn is in Riverside & actually said that the first "move" that President Reeves had made on the transfer board was putting him with me. haha (we have an "in" on things).
This week we picked up a new investigator named Mackel, who is about 9 years old. He is one of our less-actives grandsons. We were over there to have another lesson with him & first started off my following up on his commitment we left with him. We asked him how his prayers have been (in praying to know if Joseph Smith is a true and real prophet.) He sat for a moment and was pondering and then said out loud... "well I did pray" & so we asked if he had gotten an answer and he said, "well, I felt good, but I was kind of waiting for a breeze." We asked what he meant. He said, "well, in the movies when ever someone prays a breeze or the wind comes and answers them." we chuckled and said that sometimes the spirit doesn't work like that. But we confirmed that the "good" feeling he felt was the spirit. He is such a good kid. He is working on his anger issues with his brother and sisters - he said he doesn't want to turn out like "Bruce Banner" - or in other words the Hulk. Haha
So, I have been praying for miracles to happen - for people to open their hearts in wanting the gospel & yesterday a prayer was answered! We were in ward council and our Bishop said that someone just came to him at the end of church and said that she wanted to be baptized. She had talked to missionaries in the past, and now was ready to get baptized. Her name is Jenaveev Clawson (I don't know if that is spelt right) [ya, a Clawson - how cool right!] I am excited to get to know and teach her, hopefully everything goes right!!
Well, again everything is going great with me. Working hard and surviving. Thanks for all the Christmas Cards. If you want you can send them to that same address on Margarita (because that is the address printed in the ward news letter - & I can have missionaries just give it to me) or you can send it to my homeshare at 45875 Paseo Gallante Temecula Ca, 92592. Stay safe and have a fun Christmas Season. I tracted into this really old and sad lady at the door this past week. We wished her a Merry Christmas and she said that "Christmas was not for adults, it's for kids" we asked her why and she said that she didn't have enough money for christmas present for anyone but the kids. I thought to myself- hmm, is that really what Christmas is? <

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