Friday, February 27, 2009

6 Week update

(I would love to say that this was the fasted 6 weeks of my life, but truly, it seems like a lot longer than 6 weeks ago that we took Patch to the MTC.... really 6 weeks?)

We heard from Elder McBride this week and he sounds awesome! He says that he is really really busy - they are teaching members, inactive members and nonmembers - the wards he works with focus on missionary work and it seems like they are very supportive. He says he can't believe he's been in California for 3 weeks already, and has already several spritual experiences already and are hopful for their first babtisim.

He is have a bit of trouble with direction skills, and he is getting (loving) teased all the time about finding places. (Nicole suggested giving directions based on the location of the nearest Chili's...).

He is loving the letters and packagaes (so keep them coming... ;).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A letter from Elder McBride

Hey Friends and Family,

Well I am Finally in Riverside! I'm doing great... a little homesick but i'm sure ill do fine :) haha. So my new companion is Elder Varney, he is a pretty good guy who is from Geogia and has been out here for 17 months so i'm sure I can learn a bunch from him!

It has seriously been raining cats and dogs down here! So those of you who were jeleous of me... There is no reason at the moment to be.

Teaching people is so fun! It is awesome to feel the Spirit strongly every day! hah, but really it does feel great. I taught this one part member family and talked about prayer and committed them to comming to church this Sunday.

I gave my first blessing to this really old lady too (sister Henion) whose husband pasted away and has since been depressed. It was a blessing of comfort and it was cool that I could give here those blessings through Gods power and will!!!Life is good though.

I hope all is well with everyone back at home. Love you all, I pray for you daily and hope the same in return. THANKS a bunch.. and LOVE ya even more!

Love Elder McBride

Friday, February 13, 2009

California: Day 1

Elder McBride has arrived in California and is currently serving in Corona California. I have updated his address on the sidebar.
While in Corona he is living with the Teter family, and they have promised to take good care of him!
We are so grateful!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pictures from the MTC

Elder McBride sent home some pictures this week and asked me to post them on his blog. He wants everyone to know that he is doing well, learning a lot and can't wait to get out to Riverside.

He warns us that he is the only one who smiles at the MTC.

Elders Green, Stevens, Raymond, McBride and Babcock.

Elders: Green, Raymond, Vincint, Whimpey, McBride, Stevens and Jackson.

Elder McBride and his companion Elder Whimpey. (Patch is 6 feet so Elder Whimpey is huge! Good protection for Patch in the MTC - we know how rough that place can be!)

Also, Patrick is expected to leave the MTC early this week. We pray that he will continue to be happy, healthy and diligent in his service to the Lord!