Monday, January 3, 2011


Happy Post-Thanksgiving!
Can you believe that we are 3 days till December! Wow, this year is fleeting before our eyes!
I was reading Elder Kelseys email today about how he was doing his planning one night and had the inspiration to share his testimony to his other missionaries roomates. Wow, what an amazing experience. I love what he says, "listen to the little impressions of the spirit and you will have happiness, He will put the words in your mouth of what you need to say in every moment." Now that's my cousin! What truth! I was at an appointment yesterday & had an experience similar to that. I was at a ward-member families house sharing the lessons. Elder Clement taught on Baptism & Confirmation and I was to teach on following the Prophet. He taught and turned the time over to me. I taught for a couple of minutes and shared my testimony with them for the prophet and then something came to me to just bear testimony of Jesus Christ. So I stopped and started to bear my testimony on the Savior. The room was quiet and the spirit came so strongly - a little smile came to everyones faces. I admit like my Cousin; Elder Kelsey that when you are serving for the Lord and doing all that you can do to follow Him then those impressions will come "...and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man." ~D&C 84:85, &that when those impressions come - they are from the spirit and "the spirit will have with it Happiness."
We were going to check up on one of our investigators the other day and right before we walked into the driveway I saw out of the corner of my eye and girl and a guy up the street geting out of their car. My thought run in my head 'be obedient and run & talk to them... or just act like you didn't see them.' We started walking further... now the two were going into their house .. to catch them now I would have to yell for them... so I made my desision and yelled for them and started running their way. Half way there the man turned and went into the house and the girl stood out there in the driveway. I walked up to her and she said that she would love to talk to us about mormonism - she actually said that she was planning on us coming up to talk with her and answer her questions (what if I had not?) We talked with her & answered some questions she had about Mormons vs Christians and how the two were alike and different - she said everything that we had taught that growing up she was taught that that was not true but through her own studies she had come to know that we did need to "work out our salvation" and have faith, repent, & be baptized. The spirit was there so strongly. We sat on her driveway for 30 minutes and bore testimony of the restored gospel and she said that she wanted to hear more. What is crazy is Elder Clement just tracted this street and that door had not answered - so we probably wouldn't have knocked on it for a very long time. When Heavenly Fathers children are ready - he sends the gospel to them some how some way . . and what if i didn't listen to that prompting to go over and talk to this girl - Danielle. What would have happened. God would find her some how again - but I would not receive the blessings. When God calls, I don't want to dwindle.. I want to run. I will do that for now on.
Like my cousin Elder Kelsey, I love this church and know with all my heart that it's truth is not a lie, that Jesus Christ himself stands at its head to lead and guide it. Thankyou for your experience bud, you even helped me out!
I love all of you so much! Hope that you had a great Thanksgiving. Be safe and listen to the promptings that you are given from the spirit - because when they are from the spirit they come from our loving Heavenly Father!-- Love, ELDER PATRICK McBRIDE

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