Monday, January 3, 2011


Hi Family & Friends!
This week has been great! And of course I am staying safe and the Lord is blessing me in the Temescal Valley Corona area! I can't believe that transfers are coming up again on Monday... I have already been here in Corona for 5 weeks! Our zone is going to have a lot of changes to it. I don't think I have even told you who is in my zone... well this is just fyi... Elders: Livingston, Hogenson, Telford, Solaita, Arthur, McCord, Johnson, Gowers, Shaw, Garcia, DeVore, Terry, Morrison, & Mattson. (And Arthur, Johnson & DeVore go home this Monday). I love our zone so much! The assistants exchanged with us this week and Elder Boswell was asking me how the zone was doing and if anyone needed any special attention & I can proudly say that everyone is doing awesome!
On the AP exchanges I got to go to Riverside with Elder Boswell and it was a blast! (Haha, even got to spend time with Brenda Franklin!) Our whole day we were praying for miracles and to find a "family of five" ... well "five" or not - I just prayed to find someone that was looking for truth out there and was ready. Well at our last door before we went to exchange back Elder Boswell was talking on the phone helping this missionary in another area and so I was left alone to knock on the doors. First door - lady named Tiffany who just had a baby 1 month ago comes out and starts talking to me. I bare my testimony about families and how they can be together forever and she was SO excited! Her mom even came out and tried to get her to come inside and she wouldn't listen to her (she told us "well, I don't know if my family would be interested, but I sure am!") ... Next door I knock and these two 20 year olds open the door. One is dressed up really nice and so I asked her where she was going... haha, she giggled and said (me thinking that she was going on a date) "to the DMV!" haha, I laughed... I wonder if she was just wanting to look good while she waits in line for 5 hours... anyway.. so I start talking about Gods love for them and they both were excited to tell me that they both loved Jesus Christ. I talked to them about the miracles that Christ did and how we should try to follow His example. It's crazy - I don't remember a lot of the things that I said to them but it was all amazing & I know it wasn't me who was saying it - I had so much help! I taught about baptism and they both knew it was good - I commited them to follow their Savior example and they both said that they would & that they would prepare for the 14th of November 2010!! Wow, I thanked Heavenly Father for that prayer answered - finding two sisters and a mother who had soft hearts to accept a message that would bring so much happiness into their lives! Thank you! So the elders in that area are going to teach them... and hopefully I can get updates to know what happened with them! Ahh, it was so exciting - they were even in a gated community too - which we just kind of decided to do on the spur of the moment. Miracles happen! The rest of the week here has been awesome as well. There are so many prepared people out here in California. I am noticing that I am wanting to always find more people to teach - I have more of a desire to find those that Heavenly Father has prepared.
I hope that you are all doing great and will have a great week! Stay warm - heard it is snowing in Utah - You better have my snow clothes ready for me when I come over there - I think I am going to freeze to death!
Keep listening to the spirit and trusting in God. He loves us so much and will always provide a way to everlasting happiness if we but follow the stepping-stones: Faith, Repentance, Baptism (covenents), Holy Ghost, & Endure to the End! as a little 6 year old boy named Elias Tucker says "follow your GPS!" (Ghost prompting system) & Gos will lead you always! love you so much! have a Happy Halloween!

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